Saturday, December 15, 2012

Seeking Citizenship

One month from today I (Janice) have my interview to become a naturalized citizen.  When I got my fingers printed last month the USCIS office gave me a book of Civics lessons to help me study for the Naturalization test.  There are 100 questions and they may ask me 10-20 questions.  I may not get more than 4 wrong, so I am madly studying to make sure I know it all!!
So my plan is to study 5 questions every day for 20 days and then have a week to review the "hard" ones.  I am on day five now so should have 25 % of all the questions down pat.  If you are interested I will post the first 25 questions and answers here.  Next week I will post the next 25 questions, and so on. Are you with me?  Test your own knowledge and see how well you do!
1. What is the Supreme Law of the Land?
2. What does the Constitution do?
3. What are the first 3 words of the constitution?
4. What is an amendment?
5. What do we call the first 10 amendments?

6. Name four rights or freedoms from the first amendment:
7. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
8. What did the declaration of independence do?
9. What are three rights in the Declaration of Independence?
10. What is "freedom of religion".

11. What is the economic system of the United States?
12.What is "The Rule of Law"?
13. What are the three branches of Government?
14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
15. Who is in charge of the executive branch (clue to #13)?

16. Who makes Federal Laws?
17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
18. How many U.S. Senators are there?
19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
20. Name one U.S. Senator for Indiana.

21. How many voting members in the House of Representatives?
22. For how many years do
we elect a U.S. Representative?
23. Name YOUR U.S. Representative (answers will vary, for a complete list and the districts they represent, go to
24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?
Now for the answers:
1. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.
2. The Constitution sets up government and protects the basic rights of Americans
3. "We the people" of the United States of America...
4. An amendment is a change or addition to the Constitution
5. The First 10 amendments are "The Bill of Rights"

6. The five freedoms from the first amendment are as follows: RAPPS: Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press & Speech
7. The Constitution has 27 amendments, the latest being that congress can not raise their pay (effective) until after an election.
8. The Declaration of Independence declared our independence from Great Britain. (hard one :))
9. The three rights in the Declaration for Independence are natural and unalienable. They are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
10. "Freedom of religion" means Americans can practice any religion they wish, they are also free not to practice any religion at all!
11. The economic system of the US is Capitalist or market economy (so far).
12. The "Rule of Law" means that no on
e is above the law, everyone has to obey it, even the president.

13. The three branches of government are the Executive (the president) Legislative (Congress) and Judicial (Supreme Court).
14. Checks and balances  (separation of powers)  keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
15. The president (and his cabinet) is in charge of the executive branch.
16. The Congress makes the federal laws
17. Congress is made up of the Senate (100) and the House of Representatives (435)
18. There are 100 Senators (two per state)
19. U.S. Senators are elected for six years. Every two years, one-third of the senators are up for election.
20. Right now Indiana's senators are Dan Coats and Richard Lugar, the newly elected Joe Donnelly will be sworn in as the new senator to replace Lugar sometime in January, I just don't know when...
21. There are 435 voting members in the House of Representatives
22. We elect the Representatives for two (2) years.
23. Our district 5 Representative is  Republican Dan Burton
24. Each U.S. Senator represents all the people in the state in which he was elected (two per state).
25. Because some states have more people than others, they have more representatives than others, it is proportional to the population of each state. 


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